Well, January is off to quite a start! I hope you are able to find some good news in your day despite some of the unsettling news in the country right now.
For starters, let's name a winner of a $5 Starbucks gift card to brighten someone's day! Congratulations to Athena Niu! And one more, because why not?!
Congratulations to Penelope Dvorak! Please enjoy a treat and some extra whipped cream on your hot chocolate or Frappuccino!
Skater Spotlight:
We'd like to wish a member of our LCSC family best wishes as she moves this week. We will miss seeing Amy Xu on the ice and around the rink, but we are happy that she will be nearby in Carmel. We'd also like to thank her Mom, Yuhui Zha for her years of service on the LCSC Board as Treasurer and most recently as a Past Executive Board Member. We hope to see you again soon during ice-skating events and that our paths will cross again! Thank you for being a part of LCSC!
Dates to Remember:
Monday January 11th - January Board Meeting, 7pm
Please check your email for a Zoom Link to attend the Meeting.
Monday January 18th - MLK, Jr. Day, NO Club
Fundraising Opportunities:
Just because the holidays are over, doesn't mean you should stop looking for that special gift for someone! And of course, there's always a reason to treat yourself!
Please consider signing up for Shop with Scrip and Raise Right (on your mobile device) in order to earn rewards for Club! This is a simple way to pay for the things you already buy, but thinking ahead by purchasing an e-card right to your phone! Once you purchase an e-card, you can use that to pay for your groceries, Starbucks or that Target run you've earned! It's also a great idea to share with family and friends who would consider shopping with LCSC in mind! Do not hesitate to reach out with any questions on how to get started!
Also, whether you are sticking to your New Year's diet plans (or NOT), don't forget to purchase from Laura Jo's Cookies for a thoughtful gift or for that late-night sweet tooth! Don't forget, Valentine's Day is right around the corner!
Have a great week!