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January 24th Update:

I hope you are continuing to stay healthy during this time! We appreciate our members and families who have continued to follow the safety guidelines in place such as wearing a mask, maintaining distancing when possible and staying home if not feeling well. While supporting these procedures, we hope to keep skating for the remainder of the season and beyond! We appreciate your cooperation!

Ice Show:

Ice Show preparations have begun and will continue with the hopes of a 'normal' show as planned! We understand this is still an uncertain time, and we will accommodate all changes necessary as the Show approaches. The Ice Show Directors and the Board plan to discuss specific safety guidelines in order to put on a safe Show for our members and our volunteers! With that in mind, we would need to know all skaters' participation interest at this point, so that final Groups and costumes can be confirmed. Thank you for your understanding!

Power Group Practices will begin Monday February 8th.

Please plan to attend all practices. An attendance sheet will be available soon for members to sign so that all are aware of required attendance and excused absences as it is very important for all skaters to participate.

All members are required to fulfill the 15-hour Volunteer Commitment, as well as the $350 Fundraising Commitment (per family) regardless of Ice Show participation. These are requirements asked of all members who a part of LCSC, not just the Show. We understand that there have not been many opportunities to volunteer this season, but we are confident that the Show will provide many volunteer spots to fill!

Dates to Remember:

Monday February 8th - Monthly Board Meeting, 7PM (virtual)

- Ice Show Power Group Practices begin


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