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Weekly Update: 10/07/18 Fall Break!

Sunday evenings and Monday mornings are better when it's Fall Break!

NO Club this week October 8th - 12th. Enjoy your break!

LCSC Club Photo:

If your skater took the opportunity for individual photos taken by Tami Mohs, please check them out by going to her website: and click on LCSC. Photos can be purchased online and an individual price list can be provided. Group photos may also be purchased once final editing is complete.

LCSC former President Resignation:

We regret to inform Club members that Kristen Shipley has decided to formally resign her position as LCSC President due to family and work obligations. An email has been sent to members regarding her resignation. At this time, Vice President Kimberly Hampton will step into serving President and VP roles. We appreciate your understanding during this transition and welcome any questions or concerns from members.

Public Skating Events during Break:

There will be NO Club skating sessions during Fall Break, but be sure to check out the Calendar/Hamilton Center tab above for all the Themed Public Skating events happening this week!

Weekly Quote:

"Don't count the days, make the days count." - Muhammad Ali

Have a great week!


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