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Lincoln Center Skate Club
Achievements & Results
2023-2024 Competitions
June 2-3, 2023: Metro Indy Skating Challenge
Carmel, Indiana​
Results: LCSC won the team trophy!
August 25-27, 2023: Battle of the Blades
​Fort Wayne, Indiana
Results: LCSC won the team trophy!
September 16-17 2023: Southern Indiana Classic (Formerly Skate Evansville)
Evansville, Indiana​
Results: LCSC won the team trophy!
March 22-24 2024: SEGL Competition
Louisville, Kentucky
Results: LCSC won the team trophy!
May 31-June 2, 2024: Metro Indy Skating Challenge​​​
Carmel, Indiana​
Results: LCSC won the team trophy!
August 24-25, 2024: Battle of the Blades
Fort Wayne, Indiana​
​Results: LCSC won the team trophy!
September 13-15, 2024: Southern Indiana Classic
Evansville, Indiana​
Results: LCSC won the team trophy!
Indiana Figure Skating Championship Series
Results: LCSC is the Indiana Club Champion for 2024 Season!

2023-2024 Gold Medalists
Vivian Niu
Skating Skills
Sasha Luhur
Skating Skills
Vincia Li
​Skating Skills
Indiana Figure Skating Championship Series
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