It's already a new month which is cause for a little bit of celebration! I've drawn a random skater to receive a $5 Starbucks gift card! Congratulations to:
Elise Giger! We hope you enjoy a refreshing drink or a tasty treat to start September off right!
Our first Fundraiser for the year has started! Please look for an email sent by our Fundraising Chair Kevin Aker regarding Laura Jo's Cookies for Kids. This will be an ongoing Fundraiser throughout the year, so please be sure to use this regularly for special gift ideas for teachers, family or just to enjoy for yourself!
Be sure to visit the website for more info and details on how to get started!
The annual Skating Extravaganza will be held this Saturday, September 19th from 2pm-4pm. We typically offer a Used Skate Sale to help raise money for Club by selling any used skate dresses, attire, skates or other skating accessories. Please look for an upcoming email with more details on how you can help! We normally would have given a bit more time to prepare, however, this has not been a normal year to say the least, so we apologize for the delay in providing our members with the info.
The Executive Board has extended the Coaches' Contract Good Faith Agreements through this week, so that we, along with the coaches can continue to work out the fine details to come to an appropriate agreement. We truly appreciate your patience and concern on this matter and we will plan to follow up with a Parent Meeting regarding the budget, including the coaches' compensations.
We also hope to incorporate some of our general info regarding the new Club season, as we have not had a proper Welcome for our members! This would include having members complete and submit the proper forms which normally would have been taken care of at the start of the season.
But again, this year has been anything but normal!
Reminder that any non-Gold member who would like to participate in the Level 1 Power Sessions on Mondays at 4:15pm-4:40pm is welcome with a $10 walk-on fee per session. Members who participate will be invoiced for each session they attend which will be included with their Quarterly Dues. Coaches will take attendance in order to help monitor members who participate. Please let us know if you have any questions!
Thank you to all who have returned an LCSC Covid-19 Screening Questionnaire/Consent Form. If you haven't already, please return completed forms to the LCSC Board mailbox. If you have any further questions or concerns regarding this procedure to help keep our members safe, please do not hesitate to reach out to us!
We look forward to a great week and we continue to be thankful for the support of our members!