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September 27th Update:

Thank you all who could attend the Parent Meeting either in person or virtually! If you were unable to attend, please find an overview in the Update. I feel that the Club season is somewhat under way with a bit of consistency! We appreciate all the feedback we've received, whether it was of positive encouragement or constructive criticism. We have to take the bad with the good and make adjustments along the way!

Please read this post thoroughly for all the upcoming dates and reminders!

Battle of the Blades Competition - Friday October 2nd-Sunday October 4th

Test Session - Sunday October 11th

This Wednesday, September 30th: please stop by the skater recognition table in the lobby to help wish all skaters Good Luck who are competing in the upcoming competition in Ft. Wayne as well as those who will be testing at the session held by LCSC. Those skaters will receive a goody bag while all LCSC skaters may enjoy cookies and treats to help celebrate! Thank you to all who represent LCSC!

(an updated Test Session application can be found on the website for anyone who is planning to submit one.)

Parent Meeting Overview - For those who could not attend or those who may have missed some info during the Parent Meeting, please refer to the Agenda which was sent to all members. From here, Board Introductions were made, the survey results from the previous Parent Meeting were highlighted and the budget was given an overview by our Treasurer Jason Abon.

Some of the questions/concerns brought up were regarding the Fundraising Commitment. It was decided among the Executive Board Members that only each family would be responsible for the $350 Fundraising commitment this season. This does decrease our income significantly from having each skater submit the $350 commitment previously, however, given the current circumstances, we felt it was a reasonable decision not to inflict more payment from those families who have multiple Club skaters. With that said, we will not be changing the Fundraising Commitment this season. Next season, this decision can certainly by revisited and some have suggested the possibility to allow each Membership (Gold, Silver, Bronze, Junior) pay an amount based on their level. Another suggestion was to offer a reduction in the $350 per skater, based on financial status. This however, would depend on which families would feel comfortable in submitting such information, but we do not feel it is reasonable to seek out this information from members personally. In comparison to Scholarships, the financial info provided is strictly confidential between the member and the Treasurer and it is at the member's request to submit such info based on need. Again, these are merely suggestions that could be presented next season!

Our Ice Show Chair suggested seeking an Angel Sponsor.

Kevin Aker shared how Fundraising will impact our Club season and discussed reaching out to certain donors early in the season in order to receive funds sooner, as opposed to waiting for the majority to come in at the end of the season.

Club jackets will be available soon! All orders should be done via an online shop this year. More details to come!

Available Committee Chairs:

Hospitality - Trish Garrett

Publicity/Marketing - Open

Ice Show Costume - Open (very important as costume measurements will begin soon!)

Off-Ice - Coach Taylor Burdekin has offered to teach Off-ice this season! However, we would like to hear from our members on what schedule works best:

She can host an in-person session on Tuesdays 5:30pm-6:15pm or a virtual session on Thursdays 5:30pm-6:15pm.


All Invoices will be sent out this week, and payments will be due by October 15th.

Skaters who have utilized the Walk-On Power Session will be invoiced along with their Dues. Associate Members should also be invoiced in this manner in order to help minimize the need to pay every week.

Please be sure to submit the following forms if you haven't already:

Dates to Remember -

Monday October 5th - Friday October 9th, NO Club (Fall break)

Monday October 12th - Monthly Board Meeting

Thank you again for the comments, suggestions, and encouragement as we continue to gear up for a great season. Especially with still so many unknowns, we have to plan to adjust and work together accordingly. Do not hesitate to offer your voice!


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