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Weekly Update: 1/5/20

I hope everyone had a great break and is ready to start the New Year!

Now that January is here, it's getting so close to Ice Show time!

Dates to Remember:

Wednesday January 8th - Yankee Candle Fundraiser online sales end. LAST chance!

Friday January 10th - Deadline to sign up for Test Session

Monday January 13th - Monthly Board Meeting 5:30pm at the rink

Sunday January 19th - Columbus Invitational

Monday January 20th - Test Session, NO Club-MLK Jr. Day

Columbus Invitational & Test Session:

Competition dresses - We are excited to have several skaters registered to compete in the upcoming Columbus Invitational, and for some this is their first time!

Please consider donating, selling or the opportunity for some of these skaters to borrow any skating dresses and tights you have to help make their competition a great one! Please contact Coach Taylor if you feel encouraged to help!

812-343-9967 or

Volunteer Opportunities: Stay tuned! Once a complete schedule of the Competition and Test Session are available, a SignUp will be posted!

Please click on the links above if you would like to help supply items needed for the competition! We can't do it without your help and generosity in making this a successful event for all! Your consideration is appreciated!

Fundraising Opportunities:

This is the last time you will have to hear me remind you to get those online orders in for the Yankee Candle Fundraiser! ;) January 8th will be the final day to order for this fundraiser. Also, anyone who is still waiting on a delayed order placed previously, a representative has informed us that they hope to be shipping those order this week between January 8th-10th. Thank you so much to those who were able to participate and make this a success!

Crew Carwash Vouchers will be available this week for anyone who wishes to sell them for our next fundraiser! This is a great gift for all family and friends and keep in mind for those hard-to-buy-for recipients! Who doesn't like a clean car?!

Please look for Amy Streeval Monday to get your vouchers. She will be distributing to those only with the intention to sell. We will limit the vouchers to 10-20 per family at a time, but will certainly provide more if requested.

Don't forget about our Kroger Community Rewards Fundraiser which is ongoing! Every time you shop, LCSC earns a small percentage of your purchase.

Every amount helps!

Club Invoices:

Please be sure to check your email for the next quarter of Club Dues. If you did not receive one or have any questions about your invoice, please do not hesitate to reach out to the Treasurer or a Board member!

Weekly Quote:

Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson

Happy New Year!


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