Is anyone else having Fall Break withdrawal symptoms already? :(
Regardless, we hope everyone could enjoy the time off and skaters are ready to get back to our regularly scheduled Club Sessions!
Club Photos:
If your skater had individual photos taken by Tami Mohs during the Club Photo session, please check out her website: in order to purchase your skater's photo! Also, she has generously offered to provide all members with the group Club photo at no charge to those who would like a copy!
Ethnic Expo Parade:
Let's give all the skaters who were able to participate in the Ethnic Expo parade a round of applause and a big high-five to Coach Taylor for organizing the opportunity! Thanks to all who helped with this fun event to promote LCSC and help our Club earn the award for best Youth Group for its participation in the parade! More photos to follow! Great job skaters!
First Quarter Invoices:
First quarter invoices should have been sent, please check your emails regarding your payment and let us know if you have any questions! We apologize for the delay in sending out invoices, as it has been a new process for this year's Treasurer. Second quarter invoices will be sent out within the month as well and we will work with members on a proper payment process in order to catch up with our fee schedule. Thank you again for your help and cooperation with this!
Remind App:
LCSC is implementing a way to reach out to members in as many ways as possible and invites you to subscribe to the REMIND App. Flyers were placed in members' mailboxes, and a link is provided below if you'd like to join! Please let us know if you have any questions! We want to stay connected and give you updates as quickly as possible when schedules or events change!
Upcoming Events:
Tuesday October 16th - Our next LCSC Board Meeting is scheduled at 5:30pm at the rink and all members are welcome to attend.
Wedneday October 17th - Registration deadline for the Indiana Figure Skating Championships. Be sure to speak with your coach if you have questions regarding what events to register your skater for.
Wednesday October 31st - Our next LCSC Spirit Day - Halloween Costume Day and Monthly Drawing with treats provided!
Weekly Quote:
"It always seems impossible until it's done." - Nelson Mandela
(for all those who feel Mondays are impossible, Friday is waiting!) :)