It's that time of year when we can look forward to snow in the forecast!
As a reminder, Club will always be in session when school is closed or cancelled due to weather, unless the rink closes. But for safety precautions, always use your best judgement when driving conditions are tricky.
Yankee Candle Fundraiser:
Thank you to all who participated in our first fundraiser and submitted your orders!
Don't forget all online orders are still going on through January 8th and any items purchased through then will continue to be credited toward your fundraising commitment! Keep Selling! Please stay tuned with more info on your personal fundraising efforts regarding your sales! By partnering with Yankee Candle, our Club will receive 40% of profits, which means 25% of your sales will contribute to your individual Fundraising Goal, and 15% will contribute to our Club funds! We appreciate all our members' participation! Every purchase counts!
Dates To Remember:
Monday November 11th - Monthly Board Meeting 5:30pm at the rink
November 18th - 22nd - Costume Measurements for Ice Show
It's time to start planning for our fabulous costumes for this year's Ice Show! Stay tuned for exact times, but we hope to find times which will accommodate all skaters during this week. Any skater unable to attend one of the scheduled times, however may make arrangements with our costume chair.
November 23rd-24th - The 2019 Indiana Figure Skating Championships
November 27th-29th - Thanksgiving Break, NO Club
Wednesday December 11th - Dine to Donate with Chicago's Pizza 5pm - 8pm
Friday December 20th - Registration Deadline for the 2020 Columbus Invitational
Weekly Quote:
"Sometimes later becomes never. Do it now."
Here's to accomplishing at least one thing we've been putting off! Let's do it today!