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Weekly Update: 11/11/18

It was a perfectly acceptable beautiful crisp weekend to put up the Christmas decorations, right?! ;)

Heading into mid-November already and approaching the holiday season means lots of details and dates, so get ready to mark your calendars if you haven't already!

IMPORTANT - Ice Show Costume Info:

Monday November 12th - Friday November 16th - Costume measurements are taking place this week along with costume payments! ($70 per costume.)

Monday - 3:30pm - 6:00pm

Wednesday & Friday - 3:30pm - 5:00pm

NOTICE - Please plan to attend one of the scheduled measurement times and have costume payment ready. Measurements will not be accepted after Friday the 16th!

(Please refer to the Ice Show Parent Meeting Recap for other important info about the Show!)

Indiana Figure Skating Championships Weekend:

Next weekend Saturday November 17th and Sunday November 18th is the Indiana Figure Skating Championships hosted by the Irish Figure Skating Club in South Bend.

Spirit Day:

Friday November 16th - Figure Skater Day. Wear your favorite skating dress as we look forward to sending off our LCSC skaters who are competing in the Indiana Figure Skating Championships. We will be wishing them all the best on their performances!

Columbus Invitational:

REMINDER - Registration is happening now to sign up for the Columbus Invitational!

Friday December 14th - Deadline to register

Sunday January 20th - Columbus Invitational

The link to register can be found on our website and on EntryEeze:

Monthly Board Meeting:

Monday November 12th, 6:00pm - Our next Board meeting will be held at the rink. All members are welcome to attend!

Weekly Quote:

"Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it." - Charles Swindoll

(and can I add some percentage of coffee and Diet Coke?) ;)

Here's to 90% optimism as you start a new week! :)


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