I only saw one big trampoline blown over the side of a fence, I hope it wasn't yours! What a windy weekend! I only hope that can mean Spring is getting closer! :)
Online Ticket Sales:
Please start sharing that we are offering online ticket sales for the Ice Show this year! No need to count your tickets and worry about keeping track of money! ;) Simply share this link with family and friends and be sure to specify skater's name in the box Message for Event Organizer so you can receive your Fundraising Credit!
But, not to fear, paper tickets will also be available for those who prefer to sell them the good old-fashioned way! :)
Spring Break - NO Club:
March 11th - 22nd - No Club
Punch card sessions will still be available, be sure to check the calendar for times.
Club will resume it's normal schedule Monday March 25th.
Spirit Day Winner:
Congratulations! Annika Mukherjee is this month's winner of the Spirit Day $5 gift card! WooHoo!
Friday March 29th - '80s Day, our last Spirit Day of the season!
SEGL Competition:
Congratulations to our skaters who competed this weekend in the SEGL Competiotion! We are proud to have you representing LCSC!
Weekly Quote:
"If laughter cannot solve your problems, it will definitely dissolve your problems; so that you can think clearly what to do about them." -Dr. Madan Kataria
Here's to having a good laugh today, tomorrow, and every day...and becoming good problem solvers! :)