Happy March, with a fresh coating of snow! :(
Spring - in like a lion... :)
Group Photos:
Reminder: Monday March 4th, 5:15pm - Group photos
Please wear black pants and Club/black jacket for Level 1 and Level 2 Group photos on the large ice! These will be used for the Ice Show program.
Sponsor/Ad Info:
Please be sure to be checking emails regularly as the Ice Show prep is beginning to pick up steam! :)
Information regarding Sponsors has been sent out, and if you have not received an email or you have any questions, please email iceshowlcsc@gmail.com
Board Meeting:
Our next Board meeting has been rescheduled for Thursday March 7th, 5:45pm.
Members are welcome to attend!
NO Club:
March 11th - March 22nd - Spring Break, No Club
March 25th - Club resumes
Weekly Quote:
"If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?" - Percy Bysshe Shelley
I've been asking this since October. ;)
17 days until Spring!