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Weekly Update: 4/14/19

Only two weeks until Showtime!

Please be sure to read thoroughly for all the deets as the final plans fall into place!

It takes all the members to make the Show so successful and definitely memorable!

Show Program/Ads:

Be sure to check your email tomorrow for a message from Devon Collins, Ice Show Chair regarding the Ice Show Programs. The program proofs will be sent out by noon - please respond promptly by 6:00pm if there are any edits or corrections to your ad and proper spelling of your skater's name for the final program!

Email Devon at with any corrections or questions!


We are eager to sell all the tickets for a packed house all weekend! If you currently have any unsold tickets that you are not able to sell, please turn them in to Nicole Hamilton, Ice Show Chair. There are families currently looking to sell more tickets! Woohoo!

Also remember that tickets can be purchased/sold online! Your skater will still get credit for those tickets, just mention the name in the Message box! Click here to share with your family and friends and keep selling!

Locker Room Policy: IMPORTANT!

If you're tired of hearing about the SafeSport Policy... I'm sorry, but it is on REPEAT, and you must keep reading! It is still a new policy this year for our Club in keeping compliant with the US Figure Skating Association so we want to ensure that all members truly understand it for the safety and privacy of our skaters!

Reminder: ONLY SafeSport Certified Chaperones will be allowed in the locker rooms during the entirety of the Ice Show. No parents or guardians, family members or friends will have access to the locker rooms for any reason. Skaters who need assistance with wardrobe, hair, makeup, etc. will need to ask one of the Certified Chaperones assigned to the locker room or meet the parent/guardian outside of the locker room.

NO use of cell phones, or other digital devices will be allowed for photographs or video use under any circumstance while in the locker rooms. If violated, we will ask the skater to turn over the device during the show or be excused from the locker room. Please respect the privacy of all skaters in dressing rooms. We truly appreciate your cooperation in this matter and encourage you to contact us with any questions or concerns!

Volunteer SignUps:

You are all rock stars in filling up the volunteer spots so quickly! Please refer here for the list of volunteer opportunities still available!


Don't forget to consider members for next season's LCSC Board of Directors and respond with your nominations here! Nominations will be accepted until Thursday April 25th.

Please let Carrie Martin, know if you would like a list of current members to help with your consideration! If you've ever thought about serving in a volunteer position on the Board, you can nominate yourself! We need eager and committed volunteers like you! :)

Club Renewal:

As the Club season is winding down and coming to an end, please think about your skater's intent to renew a membership for the 2019-2020 season! We will have a form of intent for families to consider before committing to the new year to help us plan for the next season!

No Club:

Friday April 19th, Good Friday - NO Club

There will be no Club sessions on Good Friday, but please refer to the Punch Card schedule if you would like to skate!

Weekly Quote:

"To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow." -Audrey Hepburn

I hope you could enjoy another taste of the nice weather and begin some Spring planting! Happy Easter!


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