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Weekly Update: 5/12/19

Happy Mother's Day to all! Moms, friends, family and all others who fill in as mom. I know I couldn't get through without the help of other moms who step in and mother my children too! :)

Your Vote Counts:

Voting is still ongoing for the new Board for the 2019-2020 Club season. You can vote online:

Some members have had a problem with voting online. Your vote will count if you have received a confirmation email with your vote from Google Forms. If you did not receive one, it's likely your vote did not go through. Please let me know if you're unsure about your vote!

Members can also choose to vote with a paper ballot. There will be envelopes and a small locked mailbox at the rink office if you would like to drop your ballot in there! Envelope must be sealed and signed to count!

Voting will continue until the banquet!

End-of-Year Banquet:

Wednesday May 15th, 5:30pm - 7:30pm

Thank you to all who are planning to attend the Banquet on Wednesday and have let us know! I have received all your responses and we are looking forward to seeing many of you there! If you have not RSVP'd and would still be interested in attending, it's not too late! We just want to make sure there is enough seating and plenty to eat!

Weekly Quote:

"Great is the art of beginning, but greater is the art of ending." -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

The beginning of the year brought new members and new skills to learn, but how great a year it's been building those friendships and improving skills and saying good-bye to our Seniors who have left their own legacy and lasting memories with LCSC!


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