Hopefully everyone is getting back into the school groove and had a great first week of Club! It was great to see so many skaters!
Each month we will have a drawing for a $5 gift card for one lucky skater, but as a way to welcome our skaters back to the ice, we will give four lucky skaters a $5 Starbucks gift card this month! This month's winners are: Maggie Zhang, Olivia Abon, Alexis Hamilton and Alexandria Kobylarczyk. Congratulations!
Dates to Remember:
Monday Augurst 19th - Monthly Board Meeting, 5:30pm at the rink.
All members are welcome to attend! Please see attached link for the tentative Agenda. Any members with suggestions or concerns, please let a Board Member know! We appreciate your feedback and are willing to discuss any topics of concern or ideas!
Monday August 26th - Parent Meetings, 4:00pm & 5:00pm
(parents only need to attend one of the meetings)
This meeting will cover all important forms to be completed by parents/guardians & skaters, review of the LCSC Handbook/Bylaws, an overview of Membership Commitments and answers to any questions! We hope you can attend!
Friday September 6th & Saturday September 7th - Skate Evansville
Skaters interested in this upcoming Competition and Test Session, please speak with your coach! Information about testing is available on their website.
Skater Opportunity:
Skater Helpers Wanted - Learn to Skate (LTS) is in need of a few skaters that would be willing to become LTS assistants. These assistants will help with various tasks such as help tie skates, assist coaches, and be enthusiastic skating ambassadors. Classes are Tuesday 4-5:15 and Saturday 12-1:15. Assistants must be at least 13 years old and will be reimbursed for their time with punch card credit. Any skaters wanting to help out please email Taylor at taylor_sk8r@hotmail.com or text to 812-343-9967.
Weekly Quote:
"If you're not barefoot, then you're overdressed." - Unknown
(Unless you're skating!)
Hope you're soaking up these Summer days!
Mission Statement: LCSC's mission is to provide an opportunity for youth to develop their figure skating skills and techniques with highly qualified skating professionals in a supportive and fun environment, while cultivating important life skills and encouraging the development of friendships.