I hope everyone had a great first week of Club! As the first week is already behind us, we are eagerly looking ahead and have a few reminders.
LCSC Jacket / Merchandise Orders:
This is the last week to submit your LCSC jacket orders! You must return the form and payment no later than August 27th. This is the only time jacket orders will be offered this year, so don't wait! Jackets are available in the rink office to try on. Order forms are available under the tab General Information/LCSC Gear or hard copies are also available in the rink office. Other merchandise is also available and can be purchased online: https://hsg.tuosystems.com/stores/lcsc
Required Forms Deadline:
If you haven't already, please return all the required forms by Friday August 24th to a Board member or place in the LCSC Board mailbox (hard copies are also available if needed). Forms can be found under the tab General Information/Forms.
Also, please submit Volunteer Commitment checks post dated May 1, 2019 in the amount of $150 to Sharon Guest, Treasurer, or place in the LCSC payment box.
Off-Ice Classes:
Coach Heather sent out a survey regarding the Off-Ice Classes and how it can better fit your skater's schedule. Please check your emails and consider answering the survey in order to create a schedule that might allow more skaters to attend.
Barre/Stretching Classes:
Please continue to check your emails regarding the Barre/Stretching classes offered by Christina Craiutu! Details are being finalized now and sign ups will be available once all details are confirmed! Classes are tentatively scheduled to start Monday August 27th. There will be a maximum of 8 skaters permitted for the classes and a minimum of 4 participants in order for the class to be held. Participants who sign up are agreeing/required to attend both classes held each week.
Volunteer Opportunities:
We are excited to Welocome coach Taylor Burdekin as the Parks & Rec Liaison Committee Chair for the Ice Show! Other committee chair positions available are Hospitality, Fundraising and Costume Chair for the Ice Show. Please refer the LCSC Handbook for more info on committee chair responsibilities located under the tab About LCSC/Bylaws and Handbook. By becoming a Committee Chairperson, your volunteer commitment fee is waived, as your volunteer hours will be met by serving in a chair position! Ask a Board member for more details!
Board Meeting Minutes / Next Board Meeting:
The Board Meeting Minutes will be posted under the tab About LCSC/Meeting Minutes. The next Board Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday September 11th at Hamilton Center Ice Arena and all members are welcome to attend!