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Weekly Update: 9/09/18

I hope everyone is still dry after our rainy, soggy weekend, but maybe you were able to take advantage of the weather with a nap or movie time indoors and a warm bowl of chili! :)

Mark Your Calendars:

The LCSC Annual Skate Sale fundraiser will be happening on Saturday September 22nd. Skaters who wish to sell any new/used items are asked to please start organizing any items with a desired price for each item. A portion of the proceeds will go to LCSC! Items to include can be skates, skating dresses and attire, skating jackets and pants and anything skating related! Also be on the look out for volunteer opportunities during the Skate Sale! Our Fundraising Chair, Taylor Burdekin will be sending out a SignUp soon for a chance to help and all hours count toward your volunteer commitment!

LCSC Jackets and Apparel:

Thank you to all who ordered a new Club jacket and any other LCSC items! I'm looking forward to seeing them on some of our skaters! If you are as eager as I am, the wait is almost over! Merchandise could be available as soon as Tuesday September 11th, but we anticipate them no later than September 20th! Yay!

Club Dues:

If you're like me, and still have not paid your first quarter dues, have no fear! :)

Our Treasurer, Sharon Guest has been working very hard and diligently getting all invoices up to date. Please let us know if you have any questions regarding your dues and we'll be happy to help!

Monthly Board Meeting:

The next LCSC Board Meeting will be Tuesday September 11th at the Hamilton Center Ice Arena and all members are welcome to attend! If any member is unable to attend a meeting but would like to share any questions, concerns or suggestions, please let a Board member know of your request and we will happily discuss it and follow up with you! We appreciate having feedback from Club members.


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