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Weekly Update: 9/8/19

It's back to a full week of skating! Do the shortest weeks always seem to feel like the loooongest weeks? Last week was so long, and the weekend was so short!

Let's start the new week and the new month off with a Monthly Drawing winner for a $5 gift card:

Congratulations to Maria Clara Marimoto!

Save the Dates:

Monday September 9th - Monthly Board Meeting 5:30pm at the rink. All members are welcome to attend!

Friday September 13th - First Quarter Dues should be turned in to avoid the $25 late fee. Please let us know if you have any questions regarding your invoice.

Monday September 16th - LCSC Group Photo 4:45pm between Level 1 & Level 2 Power sessions. All members are welcome to participate in the Group Photo, but please let us know if you have any questions.

Skaters please plan to wear a black jacket and black pants.

Saturday September 21st - Skating Extravaganza & Used Skate Sale 11am-3pm

Please start gathering any skating related items you would like to put in the sale! A form will be sent out with more info. A portion of the proceeds will benefit LCSC while the rest will be given back toward the member's dues.

Spirit Wear:

We are excited to offer Spirit Wear from Hoosier Sporting Goods again this year! All members should have received an order form in their mailboxes. All orders must be returned by Friday September 20th. This is a great opportunity for new members to purchase a Club jacket or for any previous members to replace theirs at a very affordable cost! And some new items are listed this year such as Club pants! Please be sure to look over the order form and let us know if you have any questions!

Committee Chairs Needed:

We are still in need of the following Committee Chairs:

Fundraising/Volunteer, Hospitality/Spirit and Competition Committees. As a Committee Chair, the Volunteer Commitment will be waived for your service.

Please reach out to a Board Member if you are interested and would like more info! Planning for several future events begins now and we need your help!

Weekly Quote:

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.” — Audrey Hepburn

I hope that you reach out and say something kind or say Hi to someone new!

Here's to a new year and new friends!


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